Logic is a powerful add-on that enables high-level visual scripting within Databrain. It features a comprehensive editor that allows you to easily create logic sequences for all of your data objects.

🛠️ Custom Nodes

Easily create custom nodes tailored to your project and data, just like creating a new C# file in Unity. By utilizing NodeAttributes, you can define node properties such as outputs, color, title, category, icon, and description. With the Logic add-on, you can build logic flows, query data, listen for events, or execute specific actions. You also have the option to design a custom inspector UI for your nodes, providing greater flexibility.

🔄 Finite State Machine

Logic comes with ready-to-use Finite State Machine (FSM) nodes. FSM action nodes support three execution states: OnEnter, OnUpdate, and OnExit. Thanks to the versatility of the Logic framework, FSM nodes can be easily integrated with standard nodes, allowing for seamless interactions. You can also create your own custom FSM action nodes, tailored to your specific needs.

🎮 Scene Object References

Logic allows for easy referencing of scene objects. Nodes can access objects in the scene through the Logic Controller component whenever needed. All UnityEngine.Object types are supported, providing broad compatibility across projects.

📝 Expose Values to Inspector

Fields in a node can be exposed to the Unity Inspector by using the ExposeToInspector attribute. This allows you to modify values directly within the Inspector view, without needing to open the Logic Node Editor, enhancing workflow efficiency.

🔁 Return Values

With the return value node, you can assign and retrieve return values from graphs upon event completion. Additionally, you can reference other data objects within nodes to access their values at runtime. The data object dropdown attribute is universally supported, simplifying data management.

⚙️ Powerful Node Editor

The node editor is built entirely from scratch using Unity’s new retained UIToolkit system, ensuring modern performance and stability. It is independent of the deprecated/experimental graph API and does not rely on third-party serializers, providing a clean and robust solution for your project.